Let Go of Grudges
Holding onto grudges can not only be tiresome, taking up all of your energy, but the buried anger can also be damaging to your health as resentment can build up and create stress hormones in our bodies.
Many of us hold moral principles and boundaries that lie within our core values, and when we perceive others to have unfairly broken these, it can be difficult to overcome. The trouble is that holding onto these hard feelings only ends up eating into our lives, and the only people we harm and impact is ourselves and our loved ones.
Imagine for a moment being completely at peace in your life, free of any feelings of bitterness, injustice, and resentment, free to live a happy and fulfilled life…
Marisa Peer’s Let Go of Grudges allows you to release these emotional blocks taking over your life and gives you back the freedom you deserve.
Let Go of Grudges works by reprogramming your mind to:
✔️ Activate your subconscious to override angry thoughts and feelings, so your mind and body respond positively.
✔️ Feel lighter, happier, and freer, as resentment simply becomes a thing of the past.
✔️ Let go of past hurt and pain so you can move on with your life.
✔️ Eliminate the desire to talk about your grudges.
✔️ Find peace in finding forgiveness in the situation and circumstance.
✔️ Turn challenges into opportunities and blessings.
✔️ Allow you to finally move on.
✔️ Instill a core belief inside you that grudges do not have to control you and that you can choose to let go of anything that is holding you down.
✔️ Feel empowered and confident to make new choices that support your wellbeing.
✔️ Ingrain a new, positive mindset that only focuses on the present and is excited about the future.
✔️ Celebrate your success without grudges and be proud of yourself for all that you’ve achieved.
Today, you get to regain control, let go of the past, and rewire your mind to focus only on positivity.
We often aren’t conscious of the language, thoughts, and feelings around grudges, let alone the associations we have created at a subconscious level.
Marisa’s powerful hypnosis goes far beyond an affirmative mindset—it works by rewiring your mind at a deep, subconscious level and gets to the root cause that our conscious minds simply cannot reach.
Holding grudges is something that we can learn to conquer, yet most of us are unaware that we can control this. Every thought we have creates an emotional response and a physical reaction in our bodies. As children, our minds form an imprint about things we have experienced or learned, and we continue this imprint as adults without understanding its impact on us.
As you listen to your audio, Marisa’s voice will guide you through a series of transformations, helping you to create powerful new pathways in your mind and helping your body to create a different experience from that of concern and apprehension.
People start to experience results within the first 21 days, so make sure you listen to the audio every day to have the maximum effect.
Being able to overcome anything with self-hypnosis is truly phenomenal. You can change your reality.