Overcome Your Victim Mindset
Are you fed up with life happening to you instead of for you? Would you love to change your mindset and overcome self-defeating thoughts? Do you feel that you only ever attract bad things?
Having a victim mentality often means that we feel a sense of powerlessness, we find it hard to trust anyone, and it appears that negative things always seem to happen to us.
However, Marisa Peer’s Overcome Your Victim Mindset allows you to take back control of your life, change your mindset for the better, and feel empowered and responsible for the outcomes you wish to receive in your life.
Overcome Your Victim Mindset works by reprogramming your mind to:
✔️ Instill a belief inside that you are optimistic by nature, and that you get to decide to be powerful and victorious.
✔️ Shift your perspective to know you may not being able to change what happens to you but you can change how you feel about it.
✔️ Ingrain new, powerful habits to think, speak, and act like a victor.
✔️ Feel in control of your thoughts and, therefore, your destiny.
✔️ Give you the confidence to hold your own and stand your ground.
✔️ Feel self-assured, trusting, and secure within yourself.
✔️ Learn how to respect your boundaries and say no with conviction.
✔️ Change the way you think and feel about yourself for the better.
✔️ Realize that you have the power to change your mindset, which in turn changes the outcomes of your events.
✔️ Choose how you define yourself and be in control of what you want.
✔️ Be conditioned to take away anything connected to a victim mentality.
✔️ Feel worthy and deserving of yourself, and trust that people listen to and believe in you.
✔️ Carry yourself differently—from your body language to how you go about your day-to-day life.
✔️Understand that your thoughts create behaviors and actions that can influence what happens to and for you.
Today, you get to stop feeling like a victim and start taking charge of your life to feel empowered and create the future you want for yourself.
We often aren’t conscious of the language, thoughts, and feelings around our victim mindset, let alone the associations we have created at a subconscious level.
Marisa’s powerful hypnosis goes far beyond simply emotional responses—it works by rewiring your mind at a deep, subconscious level and gets to the root cause that our conscious minds simply cannot reach.
Victim mentality is something that we can learn to conquer, yet most of us are unaware that we can control this. Every thought we have creates an emotional response and a physical reaction in our bodies. As children, our minds form an imprint about things we have experienced or learned, and we continue this imprint as adults without understanding its impact on us.
As you listen to your audio, Marisa’s voice will guide you through a series of transformations, helping you to create powerful new pathways in your mind and helping your body create a different experience from that of negative patterns and a victim mindset.
People start to experience results within the first 21 days, so make sure you listen to the audio every day to have the maximum effect.
Being able to overcome anything with self-hypnosis is truly phenomenal. You can change your reality.